Sunday, February 6, 2011


1:  Sonny is a fifteen year old teenager who I believe at this point of the book is happier than at the beginning of the book.  He seems to due what he believes is the right thing to do and also does what he is told to do because he wants his mother to be happy and he wants her to be happy with him.  Sonny enjoys what he is doing around the apartment complex because it takes up his time and it's not hard work for him.  At school it seems like he hangs around with the right crowd and avoids problems.  I believe Sonny will better himself in his education and set certain goals he might not of thought he could accomplish before.  I believe he will improve the way he carries himself such as speaking properly.  I believe that Sonny wants to improve his situation so he could carry himself and not worry about anyone telling him what to do or how to act.  Which will take time and patience because he is only fifteen.  I predict he will become an educated successful young man.

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