Sunday, February 6, 2011

Silvia Bravo

2:  Assuming we are speaking of Sonny Bravos mother he would write.  My mother never... seems to have any time for me or my sister.  My mother seems to come home to get ready to go out on a date or go to sleep when she's tired after work.  My mother never looks messy she is always made up she must always look perfect from head to toes.  My mother never cooks so most of the time we eat frozen reheated meals.  My mother never listens to what we have to say but argues a lot.  Most of the arguments are with my sister they seem to go at it until they both end up in tears.  My mother never seems to ask us how we feel, what we are thinking, or what we want, she just assumes we will go with what she does and thinks everything is good or funny.  My mother never had it this good to were she did not have to work and support her family.  So I assume my mother is not so much happy but, content with what this man Cloyd is giving her.  Although, my mother never asks she has always been there to shelter and provide and for that I am grateful and thankful.

1 comment:

  1. I think this was a really good way to write it. Most of us wrote this prompt according to what our mothers never but it was super interesting reading this in Sonny's perspective. You did a really good job taking all the details from the book and making it into a prompt in perspective like you were Sonny. Good job, I enjoyed reading it! :)
